Quadruped Robot
Mobile robots have been rapidly developed over the last three decades, and are becoming increasingly popular for exploring complex space, environment, rescue operations, and more. Mobile robots can generally be classified into three categories: wheeled robots, tracked robots, and legged robots, with legged robots typically being superior due to its potential to explore a wider variety of terrain. More specifically, quadruped robots are typically the best choice among legged robots thanks to their mobility and stability.
Quadrupeds typically have 12 degrees of freedom: three in each leg, one at the knee, and two at the hip. These active joints are usually powered by electric actuators, like servo motors, which have high torque capability and efficiency to support the robot's weight. The load, meanwhile, saves the battery. However, it also requires the servo motor and its driver to be compact and to achieve a very quick response for dynamic gait abilities.
EZmotion’s MMP545400-75-E2-1 motor driver module is specially designed for quadruped applications. Designed in cooperation with Robotic Systems Labs of ETH Zurich, it serves as the smart driver to power cat-scale quadruped robots for discovery and education purposes. Featuring a small size, wide voltage range, and various control algorithms, the MMP545400-75-E2-1 is a reliable, affordable choice for quadruped robots.
Features & Benefits:
High-Efficiency, Compact Design for Space-Limited Battery-Powered Applications
100Mbps EtherCAT Interface with CoE Protocol
Flexible Operation Mode: Robot Joint Customized Loop Control with Torque Feed-Forward as well as CSP, CSV, CST, and Homing Mode
Programmable TxPDO and RxPDO for Operation Command and Motor Status
18V to 75V Operation Range for Wide Battery Inputs
Precise Motion Control, High Accuracy (less than 0.3°)
Interfaces for NTC Inputs, Sensor Feedback, and I/Os
High Dynamic Performance and Quick Response with Low Overshoot
High Torque Capability to Carry the Robot and Its Load
Better Power Efficiency to Conserve Energy
Lower Installation Complexity and Convenient Maintenance
Reliable Quality and Stable Operation with Long-Term Technical Service
Support Customization to Meet Individual Application Requirements
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